Everyone here is lying /

Lapena, Shari, 1960-

Everyone here is lying / Shari Lapena. - London : Bantam Press, 2023. - 352 pages ; 24 cm.

William Wooler is a family man, on the surface. But he's been having an affair, an affair that ended horribly this afternoon at a motel up the road. So when he returns to his house, devastated and angry, to find his difficult nine-year-old daughter Avery unexpectedly home from school, William loses his temper. Hours later, Avery's family declare her missing. Suddenly Stanhope doesn't feel so safe. And William isn't the only one on his street who's hiding a lie. As witnesses come forward with information that may or may not be true, Avery's neighbours become increasingly unhinged. Who took Avery Wooler? Nothing will prepare you for the truth.

9781787635647 (hbk.) : 18.99 1787635643 (hbk.) : 18.99

Thriller / suspense fiction.

Suspense fiction.


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